Why I am running 
for Re-Election as Judge

The citizens of Eastern Oregon should have a voice.  

In 2018, I ran for Judge because the Governor had selected the last three judges for Union and Wallowa Counties. At the end of the campaign, the people of Union and Wallowa Counties elected me as judge -- a judge that knows, has fought for, and represents the people of Union and Wallowa Counties. Since I was elected, I have strived to ensure that everyone in my courtroom is treated equally and with respect.    

All people in our community, regardless of their economic status, political position, gender, or ethnicity, deserve respect and to be heard.  I believe the court should be a place where people can trust they will be heard and their constitutional rights will be protected. If I am fortunate enough to be re-elected judge, I will continue to create such a court environment. I show all people patience and respect. In this way, everyone that comes before me in court knows that they have received a full and fair hearing.     

I learned to work hard by growing up on a farm and coming from a working class family. I built my law practice in Eastern Oregon and raised my family in Eastern Oregon.

For 22 years before becoming Judge, I helped the people of Union and Wallowa Counties solve their legal problems in property, contract, business, and constitutional law both in and out of court. This helps me understand the legal issues that have come before me as judge. I have served as Judge for nearly five years and have gained invaluable experience on the bench. 

The people of Union and Wallowa Counties need to have a judge that knows, has fought for, and represents the people of Union and Wallowa Counties and who has the experience as a judge. 

I will continue to be that judge and serve the people in my community with dedication.      

I will do my best to address all questions asked of me. However, I will not be able to speak about many political topics because of the expected conduct of a judicial candidate. 

Oregon Judicial Conduct Code

 Rule 5.1 Political Activities of Judges and Judicial Candidates in General 

Except as permitted by law, a judge or a judicial candidate shall not:

(A) knowingly use or attempt to use the judicial office to:
(1) publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for any public office
other than judicial office; or
(2) personally solicit funds, services, or property for a political
organization or any other organization promoting or opposing the passage
of a law, or for any candidate for public office;
(B) knowingly use or permit the use of campaign contributions for the
private benefit of the judge, the candidate, or others;
(C) knowingly use court staff, facilities, or other court resources in a
campaign for judicial office;
(D) knowingly or with reckless disregard for the truth, make any false
statement concerning a judicial candidate's identity, qualifications, present
position, education, experience, or other material fact that relates to the judicial campaign of the judge or any judicial candidate;
(E) personally solicit or accept campaign contributions other than
through a lawfully established campaign committee except, so long as the
procedures employed are not coercive, a judge or judicial candidate may
personally solicit or accept campaign contributions from members of the judge's family and judges over whom the judge does not exercise supervisory or appellate authority;
(F) in connection with cases, controversies, or issues that are likely to
come before the court on which the judge or judicial candidate sits or may sit, make pledges, promises, or commitments that are inconsistent with the impartial performance of the adjudicative duties of judicial office; or
(G) act as a leader in, or hold office in, a partisan political organization.

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